Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sure Happy It's Thursday...

Well, it's late, so here's my random thoughts... It is hard to watch the coverage of Hurricane Sandy's aftermath. It's always the poor that suffer the most, and this is no different. Those without insurance are wailing and it's so disturbing. It is reminscent of Katrina and will be much, much more expensive. And why is no one asking the elephant in the room question?? How will all of this be paid for? This country is broke, so where in the WORLD will these BILLIONS of dollars come from?? Our insurance companies won't have enough to pay for all of this and you can be dang sure that all of our insurance rates will go WAY up to compensate.
Maybe..... we shouldn't send the billions we have been sending to Egypt and Middle Eastern countries that hate us, and keep it for our own citizens? Or maybe we should start drilling for oil, both inland and in the ocean, which will create jobs AND money.
We're becoming like third-world countries like Africa, where money is sent to save the poor but the dictators keep it for themselves (well, close enough for analogy anyway.)
My next random thought is that I cannot STAND another word on the election. I've known all along who I was going to vote for, and I've already early voted, and I don't want to hear ANOTHER WORD. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
And finally I took the day off today.  I only have 5 days a year, and I spent 4 of them moving this past summer. My last day I took off was today to help the Cheerleader mom's host the football team dinner tonight. Each week in football season, the football mom's each take a Thursday night to feed the team, and the Cheer mom's volunteered for this week. It took most of the day to prepare to feed over  60 people, but it turned out well, so it was worth it. DD doesn't really like the football players too much, but they seemed okay to me. There's a lot of bravado and testosterone going around and they certainly eat a lot. But they are good guys for the most part. Boys in high school are 2 years behind girls in maturity and it definitely showed.
Kind of funny to watch actually...