Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.."

The racial problems in our country continue to worsen... I have made a concentrated effort to leave the Trayvon story alone for the most part, since I don't know what really happened. And there are so many conflicting stories from witnesses, that it looks like it will be another O.J. Simpson case. Only this time it is not the black guy as the accused, but the black kid as the victim.

I don't know what it's like to be black. I can remember a comedy skit that Chris Rock did where he said he was rich, but he bets white people would rather be poor and white instead of black and rich. I know there are still racists in this country, but it's a lot better than it was when I was growing up, and has gotten better with each passing year.
But now that some blacks have threatened revenge (even before Zimmermann has his day in court) it has whites afraid. When the Black Panthers put a bounty out for who they think murdered Trayvon, and the government does nothing?? Well, that's a reason to pause, don't you think?
The vast minority of whites are not racist, and the vast minority of blacks do not seek revenge of whites, but we're all a little weary not being able to distinguish someone's beliefs about this.
I just want it all to go away and let the courts and due process happen, so that the truth will come out. And I want the Democrats to stop stoking this fire of rage, knowing that this rallies their base with the mainstream media as accomplices. All people should be judged by their hearts and not by their skin color.