Thursday, April 12, 2012

"The hand that rocks the cradle..."

So sad to see what's happening to motherhood... It's a far cry from the late 70's when I graduated from college, immediately started my job at the Dallas Times Herald as one of the first women hired in national advertising, and married a fellow employee. Within a month, you guessed it, I found out I was pregnant. Neither of us were ready for that, but both were excited. At that time, our mindset was that I should be a stay-at-home mother like my mother had been, for as long as we could financially handle it. We lived in a very small starter home in very far suburbia at the edge of civilization -- literally on the edge of the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. Yes, we could have afforded a much nicer home in Dallas if I had remained working, but we both thought it would be better if I stayed home with our son. Believe me, it's a lot harder job than what I did at the Herald.

Fast forward 30 years and everything now is upside down. Feminism has almost come full circle, with the expectation now that most women in America are going to be working mothers, and only the very rich can stay home with their children, because they have lots of disposable income. Many of the middle class could CHOOSE to stay home also if they downsized as we did, but very few these days are willing to make the sacrifice.
Which leads to this week's 'Drama du Jour' when Hillary Rosen, Democrat Party public relations (and yes, she was involved in the recent debacle with "I want free birth control" Sandra Fluke) insulted Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, saying that he should not confer with her because "she had never worked a day in her life."
(sigh, it's all getting battle weary and it's only April, but I digress...)
The inference is that they are rich and out of touch, which is in the Democrat playbook, but I would also add that Mitt and Ann are around 60, when mothers actually did stay home with their children. Add to that, that they raised five sons AND she had breast cancer AND she has Multiple Sclerosis. And WHY do we have to make excuses for stay-at-home mothers anyway??
Sad that campaigns get so nasty and sad that Democrats play dirty and cheat and sad that they have a double standard and sad that they look for the sentence long sound bite that fits in a 140 character tweet.
And saddest for the children who grow up in daycare - they are the ones that suffer the consequences...