Monday, April 2, 2012

"I want to be a part of it, New York, New York..."

It must be weird living in New York City... I guess the only city I can imagine that would be more dangerous is Jerusalem, since we know Armeggedon will be fought close by some day, according to the Bible.

According to the Drudge Report, the above graphic was posted on a radical overseas website linked to the terror organization, al-Aaida. The NYPD and FBI are, of course, investigating this computer graphic warning and the NYPD spokesman related that this website is heavily used by Jihadi and al-Qaida adherents. They say they have no specific threats, but that's really not very comforting knowing that jihadists main goal in life is to kill the infidel.
Have you ever REALLY thought about what it would be like if something much worse than 9-11 happened in NYC? That is the hub, the headquarters, of the United States. It's the center of money, the center for media, the center of the arts, the center of education, the center of fashion... shall I go on? It's the largest city in the United States, and one of the largest cities in the world. It's very dense, with TONS of people in a fairly small area. And a terrorist attack that was successful for our enemies would not only kill many lives, it would affect all Americans. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
It reminds me of the old 60's expression, "love the bomb," as I guess New Yorkers take that chance when they decide to keep living there. Maybe that's why you always hear how tough New Yorkers are. They've gotten addicted to the chaos, to the noise, to the way of life. And to the dangerous. Truly "living on the edge" if you live there these days.
I wonder what New Yorkers think about this new threat? Do they just take it in stride, or do they wonder if "this is the big one..." Do they just resign themselves to the fact that they could die in an attack on NYC? Do they stick their head in the sand? Do they make plans to move? I guess there are so many people, there are those doing all of those things. And then there are many who are just trying to keep their head above water. Personally I cannot even imagine living that lifestyle. I mean I would love to visit, but never ever live there.
And it remains to be seen if our worst fears will be realized...