Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Call 'em as I see 'em..."

As promised, I am going to call them as I see them, and agree with the Catholics that Terrence McNally's new documentary, "Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption" is a 'blasphemous homosexual play.' It follows the revival of the play "Corpus Christi," which first debuted in New York in 1998 and retells the story of Jesus Christ being depicted as a gay man living in Texas during the 1950's. I think they said it best in their protest message titled "Stop the Blasphemy!" saying:

I strongly protest against the showing of the blasphemous play Corpus Christi, which includes a Christ-like figure who reportedly has sexual relations with his apostles, and of the movie which promotes it, Corpus Christi: Playing With Redemption.
The Person of Jesus Christ is sacred and untouchable. To portray Him as a homosexual, or even to insinuate it, is an unspeakable blasphemy which I reject with all my soul.

My question is, where are all the other Christian denominations? And why aren't they protesting too? Has everyone become so calloused to this sort of thing that no one even reacts anymore? As Christians, Jesus Christ IS God, the Son of God - and He is the Christ, the Messiah, our Savior who was without sin here on earth.
Why are the Catholics the only ones protesting?