Monday, April 9, 2012

"Wolf in sheep's clothing"

It's Monday night and I'm tired. Not so much physically as mentally. This life can be such a battle can't it? (sigh) Sometimes it's hard to just keep my head above water... And I just perused the news, and it's so much worse than it used to be. Why do things just keep getting more and more corrupt?

Today the news I would like to comment on is about the "reverend" (and I use that word VERY loosely) Jeremiah Wright. You'll remember that it was his church that our president sat in for over 20 years, the same church where he married and his children were baptized, and the same church where he says he didn't hear Wright's rhetoric. Wright is bitter against whites and even blacks that don't agree with him, although he seems to make an exception for known terrorist Bill Ayers. And his words are poison in our country. He's out for revenge, and makes no bones about it. You might recall that he also said, "the chickens have come home to roost,"( that America deserved the 9-11 attack.)
Evidently he spoke last week at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Charleston, West Virginia in a week-long revival event. He spoke of "the ignorance and arrogance of white supremacy" that rules the West. He believes that the "Italian army - Roman soldiers" were "occupying Palestinian territory." He also told his audience that although (Supreme Court justice) Clarence Thomas looks like them (black), that he is "worshipping some other God." Well, at least we agree on that last statement.
Jeremiah Wright is definitely worshipping a different God from Clarence Thomas and me...