Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of my favorite quotes... It used to hang on a poster in my dorm room at college. For me, the grass was always greener on the other side. Fresh start. New beginnings. I always thought if I moved, everything would get better... Always searching for that perfect place. Too, I'm pretty ADD - can't sit still very long and get bored with things much too quick.

I've moved way too many times to even admit to. Let's just say my moving guys know me by name and after awhile, they've told me they wonder why I haven't called. My head moving guy, Jammin just got married. I know this and we're not even related.... When I was much younger, we lived in rent houses, so as soon as we got into a good one, the owner would sell it. And if we were in a less desirable house, we wanted a better one. Somewhere in there it became a habit - it evolved into who I am. I already know that some day at my funeral, they'll say 'she moved a lot,' and shake their heads. All of my adult life I had dreamed of owning a big, Victorian house and when I finally bought one, it was just way too big. It's just me and my youngest now, and the house was a money pit. I finally had to declare sunk cost, and stop throwing good money on bad. Besides, it was so big, it was scary. I had always wanted to live on this street named Bluebonnet. I would drive up and down this perfect street with these perfect houses, but finally when we did live on Bluebonnet, the house had a flea infestation, scary sounds in the attic, and a psycho stalked me there. I also always wanted to live on a lake, but again, when we did, it was terribly far to commute to work, and since we didn't have a boat, we were always frustrated sitting on the dock watching everyone else. Actually my favorite places to live have been the two duplexes we lived in - not because they were duplexes - they just had a good vibe - house charisma, if you will. Sure it's fun to redecorate each time we move. And it's also very cleansing - many have commented, "I guess you don't have a junk drawer." I certainly wasn't raised this way, we only lived in three houses, one when we were really young, our homestead for school age, and they downsized once we all left home. I'm guessing the part of my brain in this area is very damaged...My older kids have to use a tour map to show where they grew up, with no real attachment to any of them. (Actually my son's favorite was his dad's retro apartments which had lots of fun places to ride bikes.)
So, go figure... I guess "home is where your heart is" or as I say, "home is where your stuff is," says it best. And that money doesn't buy happiness. And don't search for the impossible, you'll save yourself a lot of time.....