Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's the Real Thing......

It took all night helping my tween-aged daughter finish her Science Fair project - must be there at 7 am tomorrow - ugh! We got this email comparing Coke and water, and it said Coke did all these damaging things to objects (thus to our bodies.) So we decided to try out 6 of these 'experiments.' Most were a disappointment... The Coke was supposed to 'eat' the T-bone (pictured) after 2 days, but no, just turned it brown. It was also supposed to 'eat' a nail, but also just colored it brown. I'm bummed! I thought it would be so cool to watch this happen... oh well, have a Coke and a smile! It's not as bad as we thought!


Anonymous said...

Bad Coke + Global Warming= Lies

Unknown said...

the steak on the right looks yummy....