Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles." -- Confucius

Tiger Woods comes to mind -- lack of faithfulness leading to mockery of his marriage.

Tiger never appealed to me personally. He always seemed like a machine. One dimensional, serious, all golf, no personality. I did (and still do) respect his golfing ability, that has never been in question. Why has everyone reacted with such disgust in this 'liberated' nation? We've all seen 'players' before... I guess it's that he did not present himself that way. He was evidently a Dr. Jekyl, Mr. Hyde - 2 distinct personalities - public Tiger and private Tiger, and he kept them in very separate compartments.
He had the killer combination of excellence at a sport and excellence in marketing himself. He (or someone that represents him) knew exactly what would sell and, in retrospect, it seems so calculating. I'm in the business of marketing - it's what I do all day long. And I can spot genius marketing. Bingo. He never said too much. He was disciplined at all his work functions. He had and did all the right things - sponsorship vehicles, shoes, jewelry, clothes.. Married the gorgeous Swedish model/nanny. Had the obligatory daughter, son, and dogs.
He never struck me as a great dad or husband. He seemed too self absorbed. It's all about him, 24/7. You see that's how a player thinks ultimately - it's all about meeting their needs. The women? Well, she asked for it, she knew the gamble (in his mind.) Even now, Tiger's attorneys are trying to buy off the squeaky wheels. He didn't love any of them, they were interchangeable. It seems he was incapable of love, but just using people to get his own selfish needs met. He did seem to love his father, who invested in him but, in the end, left him unprepared for anything but a life of golf. He learned early about the accolades of success. And with his bank account and notoriety, there was never a shortage of pretty women throwing themselves at him. All that golf discipline seemed to go out the door then.
The celeb magazines say he's in rehab for sex addiction. I'm not so sure that's his problem...He doesn't need rehab, he needs an encounter with God, he needs a 'heart transplant.' I think that's what Brit Hume of Fox News was talking about. Tiger is the product of the American Dream gone wrong. Blind ambition. Money without morals. It seems like the perfect metaphor for America in 2010....