Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Before you were born, I set you apart..." -- Jeremiah

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." -- Jeremiah

Hurray for the courage of Tim Tebow off the field! He is a stand-up guy and not afraid to be a witness for God. He's not politically correct in 2010... how refreshing. He has a poignant story to tell, and it's told in a gentle way in a Pro Life commercial set to air in next weekend's Super Bowl.
And the pro 'Choice' folks are spazzing out. What about our freedom of speech? Tim's mother was evidently encouraged to abort (kill) her child (in the womb) in order to save her life. It was Mrs. Tebow's decision and she CHOSE to have her baby. As a woman of faith, she knew killing her unborn child was wrong, and the rest is, of course, history. And the obvious is, that she and her baby were fine, and what a special kid Tim turned out to be.
Gloria Allred, attorney to the stars, says she is going to file a lawsuit against CBS for airing a commercial that is false advertising. What?! I am gobsmacked (one of my favorite British words) at the chutzpah of this woman. She says no doctor in the Phillippines would have said this (since that's where Mrs. Tebow was serving as a missionary at that time.) Well, Gloria Allred was not there and does not know their personal situation, nor will she ever. She is trying to scare CBS into not running the commercial.
I cannot understand how these Pro Abort people can look at these in utero photos, and still think it's okay to murder a child? Usually these folks decide to abort (kill) because it's inconvenient or embarrassing. Rarely is it for cases such as rape or life of the mother...
Some day Gloria and her cohorts will pass from this life, and meet the almighty God. They may shake their finger in His face and say they don't believe in Him or agree with Him. And He will say,"EVERY knee shall bow..."
Are you ready for some football??