Thursday, January 21, 2010

"A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation." -- Mark Twain

Well, I find this convicting.. I have no idea what words I habitually use, except when I get mad! I try to be positive and complimentary with my words but am certainly not always successful. I am told I relay a lot of dramatic (true) stories, which probably means I am fearful. Guilty. And I habitually yell at other drivers like I'm from Jersey, which probably means I am frustrated. Guilty again.
I once read that you should give sweet nicknames to your small children like cutie and cupcake, and this is how they will think of themselves. Some parents think it's funny to call their kids punk, dork, or worse but truly the names they keep hearing are sinking into their psyche. That's probably true for us all. There's a Bible verse that says, "But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart..."
So it's a heart condition and not a vocabulary problem. I guess that's what Mark Twain was saying...