Monday, January 25, 2010

"All great change in America begins at the dinner table." -- Ronald Reagan

Does anybody even have dinner together any more? Do moms cook any more? I was fortunate to have a stay at home mother that made dinner every night, but these days everyone is just too busy. Most moms work and don't have time to cook much. Most kids have tons of extra-curricular activities, and are hardly home.

We've just all gotten too busy - myself included. And the mindless TV is on, catching our attention. I just long for the old days when people used to talk more. Sit on their front porch. No wonder everyone is on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills. There's too much can hardly think. There's too much news, too many electronics and too many media - television, radio, newspaper, internet, magazines, and the list goes on.
We need to turn it off. We can't do anything about a monsoon in Thailand. Or a rapist in India. The whole world is so much more connected now in communication than it was even 10 years ago. It's just overload. Go back to spending more time with our family. Turn the TV off and play games. Read a book. Take a walk. You CAN control some things. And once you've done that, you can actually sit at the dinner table, and contribute to world peace.


Unknown said...

Kill the television

Anonymous said...

Adam and I were just saying last night that it takes so much more just to "keep up" than 10 or 20 years ago. People are too tired to cook because it takes 2 incomes, so both people working 40 hours a week, to get what you think you need/want. I think we all need to simplify and try to do with less so we can have more of what matters.