Friday, January 15, 2010

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." -- Michelangelo

In this, my first blog, I wish to impart words to live by, daily quotes that will, hopefully, make your life a little easier. I’ve always learned by the ‘school of hard knocks’ rather than from someone else’s mistakes. What’s the saying? A genius will learn from someone elses’ mistakes, a smart person will learn from his own mistakes, and an idiot will learn from neither? Well, here’s hoping my words of wisdom will help you in your life, and in the process, I get to let you into my world.
The idea started when I wanted to encourage my twenty-something son in his ‘travails’ at his big city job. At his age, they don’t really accept advice, so I decided a thought for the day might get him thinking. Then when I got on Facebook, I wanted to make a difference – leave my daily mark – be cool yet unobtrusive – get them thinking but not in a preachy way. It’s funny that the quotes that really seem to inspire me get little to no response, but the ones that don’t speak to me as much, have gotten the most response. The night before each day, I look around for quotes, and then I sort of ‘know in my knower’ that it’s the right one.
Today’s quote is:
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo
Ummm… this one really speaks… To me, it says to be a free-er spirit, not tied to the mundane, the everyday, the ordinary - too have more of an artist’s soul. I crave to have the kind of talent that Michelangelo had, that only God can give. I long to do something bigger - to make a huge, positive difference in people’s live. My goal in this blog is to impart through my writing, a better, more satisfying life. Follow me in my journey, the ‘power of one,’ and with God’s help, may your life be richer for it.