Friday, January 29, 2010

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." -- John Wayne

Have I mentioned I love John Wayne? He just nails it with everything he said. Men are so simple. What you see is what you get. No complex emotions like with women. They just tell it like it is. Men these days just seem different. Like the word 'metro-sexual' - this word is only used in Texas to describe someone in New York City... a man who gets a facial, wears makeup, carries a man purse. A few years ago I had to spend a month in training in Connecticut. Just seemed to me the men were more effeminate and the women were more masculine. I was never happier when I finally got to DFW and saw cowboy hats and boots. Maybe it's all the female hormones that are supposed to be in the water. Or maybe it's all the hormones they inject in beef and chicken these days. It's just that men don't seem as tough as they were in John Wayne's generation...

I'm not sure the whole feminism thing worked very well either. It sounded good. Equal pay for equal work. I'm definitely for that. Fairness is all I ask for. But, whether we women will admit it or not, we like the protection of a man. Our emotional makeup is better for the tons of smaller decisions. We were designed to be co-pilots for the pilots. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with a woman president. We are moodier, there's no denying it. And distracted, by our children and well, life. In my early twenties, I had a big argument with my father that he was sexist and had a double standard. He basically agreed, and said he didn't make the rules, that's just how it is. He wanted me to get a college degree for backup, but I've had to use it ever since.
I'm the stupid one - and life has been harder for me than it should've been...


Anonymous said...

Your no co-pilot mommy. You would have fought Sully for the control stick on the hudson river crash