Friday, July 19, 2013

We Can't Stop....

I'm so disgusted, I thought I would share Miley Cyrus' new song/video, "We Can't Stop" with you, so you can see what I'm talking about. I noticed on social media that some were mocking Miley and then I saw her live performance on Jimmy Kimmel and about fell out of my chair. She is BEYOND "pushing the envelope" and has "jumped the shark" from where I stand. She's a rich punk who has never been disciplined since she's the family's cash cow, and it has ruined her. Completely. Last year her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, lashed out at Disney, saying that he wished he had never let her do the Hannah Montana show but within a few days had rescinded his words. No doubt under some kind of pressure, but it was too late. We all knew what he was talking about. Miley's mother seems to condone this kind of behavior and lives vicariously through her daughter, in my opinion. And the saddest thing?? There are hundreds of thousands of young girls all over the world watching her and using her as their role model. Now she's dry humping men, women, herself, and plastic dolls. She's referring to drugs overtly in her songs, and she's symbolically flipping off Disney. Way to go Miley.
You've now achieved loser status...