Saturday, July 13, 2013

A jury of our peers...

The verdict on George Zimmerman is in -- not guilty...
I haven't followed this case blow by blow but have read some things about it from the beginning. And I also know that the mainstream media has really pushed the race agenda on this case from the get go.  Heck, even the president said, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." THAT got things going...
Yesterday it came up with my 16-year-old, who had only heard Trayvon's name. (May I also add here that we have very few blacks in our small Texas town, and the ones that do go to DD's high school are popular and well-liked.) I gave her the quick overview and she asked why this trial was such a big deal? She said this sort of thing probably happens a lot, so why THIS case? I responded that in the beginning, George Zimmerman was not charged with anything, and the police had ruled it as self-defense. My recollection was that his parents went to the media and cried foul, and the media ran with it. But I also added that Zimmerman thought of himself as a vigilante, and had a gun with him, and took it upon himself to patrol his neighborhood. DD asked why he didn't just call the cops? I responded that Zimmerman followed Trayvon since he thought he was up to no good, and didn't think the cops had time to get there? I mentioned to DD that Trayvon was 17 and they found there was pot in his system, and she said, "Mom, MOST kids at my high school would test positive for weed in their system." I said it came out in the trial that Trayvon was the aggressor and on top of Zimmerman, so she asked how did he get shot then? It's my understanding that Zimmerman's gun was in a high holster, that he pulled it out and shot Trayvon at extreme close range.
Zimmerman should have called the cops and then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Was he racially profiling? Probably. But then the majority of people in our prisons are young, black males, so there is a history there. Still though, he shouldn't have taken the law into his own hands, as he wasn't a policeman, and too, Trayvon wasn't breaking into his house, so it wasn't his personal battle. He followed Trayvon because he looked suspicious? A mistake he will probably regret the rest of his life. A teenager is dead, it cost him a ton of money for lawyers, and he will be hunted for years.
 I looked at Facebook, and my one black friend of a friend is furious and has been posting pro-Trayvon things for days. Others are saying, "Good, justice was served." But most are silent. They can see how it went to trial, and as with all cases in this country, have to leave it to a jury of our peers.
It's all tragic though, and highlights the racism problem in our country continues...