Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

Every year I mention that the 'Dog Days of Summer' isn't just a legend. During these last days of July, there are more murders, child abuse and suicides than any other time of the year. Just sayin...
The last week has been a blur. DD was at camp. My good friend died, had funeral, et al. Finished selling a Back to School section by myself. Had a garage sale in the 100 degree heat. Now DD is at dance camp.
Here are my tweets in the last 24 hours:
-- Obamacare mandatory RFID chipping now being implemented in Wyoming.  It's coming. The Mark of the Beast. We are in the last days people. Wake up.
-- Obama signs executive order, sends $500 million to terrorists. Blah Blah Blah. It's so serious, but we're all so callous to this administration leading us down the Highway to Hell, that we don't even react anymore.
-- White House tours still closed, but Obama finds cash for endless private parties. Again. See above. And try to remember the $100 million dollar trip last month for Obama and family's trip to Africa. 
-- Apple's new iPhone 'has fingerprint sensor.' The article isn't even a politcal one; I'm just making the observation of how convenient this would be for the government.
-- Islamists demand death penalty for Christian's 'blasphemous' text message. Wow. Just wow...
-- Purse snatcher picks wrong woman - viral video. This is the feel-good video of the day - watching a small woman work her self defense on a large man. 

And just remember this -- I've read the end of The Book...
We win.