Friday, July 12, 2013

A House Divided...

If you haven't noticed, there's a war going on. And no, I don't mean in Afghanistan. It's right here in the United States. Good versus Evil. And the side that has the most people who are the most passionate, are the ones who are going to win. My best friend says we've already lost the war, but I'm not surrendering yet. I've gotten very aggressive on Facebook, and as a very evangelical Christian, even my fellow Christians are backing away. No one wants to offend anyone. No one wants to make any waves.
These are not the types that are going to win a war.
My niece (whom I love) is on the opposition. She is pretty much PRO everything I am CON. She works for Planned Parenthood in Washington D.C. and is an extreme liberal. She just had a baby, yet is  here in Texas to help fight the abortion war. I read on Facebook today on the Texas Alliance to Stand for Life post, that they have heard that the pro-choice people have been told to get aggressive and physical and in-your-face today. They were asking that the pro-life people leave their kids at home because of this. Yes, and these are the same people that last week yelled "Hail Satan" over the people singing "Amazing Grace." The ones that had signs that said, "Hoes before Embryos." They were the "unruly mob" that our Lieutenant Governor referred to, and unruly they are.
The picture that is with this post is very 'telling...' The opposition "gets it" that this decision DOES go back to faith, and religion and ultimately Jesus. I've said all along that the opposition is not arguing anymore that it's a baby (like they used to call it a blob of tissue when Roe vs. Wade passed.) No, they agree it's a baby - a person. They don't care. They don't have God and they don't want to be told they can't do what they want to do (murder.) I found this out when I argued with them on traditional marriage. They kept saying they didn't want me imposing my beliefs on them, and most said they don't believe in my God. Yeah, I can see that.
Heaven help us...