Tuesday, July 16, 2013

See, I told you so....

Most people delight in saying that phrase -- I do not... I mentioned a few weeks ago that liberals work overtime in the summer when they think most conservatives are taking time off and spending time with their families. But this summer libs are working at break-neck speed. Maybe they've seen that the line, "Pass it so you'll know what is in it" has worked with their false sense of urgency. And they are also well aware that a) the next election for 2014 is coming quickly and b) that while they have the first black president in office, they want to pass as much as they can and accuse opposers of being racists. And the Trayvon case is the perfect distraction from the other critical issues facing this country.
Racism is a problem in this country and will not be going away any time soon. So really we should be concentrating on more pressing issues, like national security or Benghazi. The current administration is  trying to push through amnesty for illegals while we're "asleep," and keep us from concentrating on what's really important. And as I say until I'm blue in the face, the mainstream media are the accomplices that make all of this possible.
I get frustrated, that unless you have cable/satellite, you don't have access to alternate television news. And those who don't have cable, usually don't have internet. So...  many of the uninformed are only able to access ABC, CBS and NBC - the partners in crime, who try to appear that they are impartial, yet are the most partial of all.
As someone who has been in media all of my life, I can tell you that the problem is deep and wide with liberals running most information sources, with most television conglomerates and all internet providers and social media, i.e. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter. Conservatives' only bastion of hope is in talk radio but I'm sure the libs will try to figure out a way to silence them. Already many conservatives keep getting banned from Twitter, and Facebook is watched closely, with conservative pages  being shut down often.
We have lost so many freedoms and it is alarming at how fast we are careening into communism/socialism. Check out the lead story on today's about the latest New York Times bias.
The media is the first thing to go...