Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right." - Ronald Reagan

I'm feeling more hope for this country than I have in a long time... Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been filibustering since 11:45 this morning, as promised, after receiving a letter earlier this month from Attorney General Eric Holder that refused to rule out the use of drone strikes within the United States.
Good for him!!! Bravo!!! Woohoooo!! Finally a man with some guts (and eloquence and intelligence) who will stand up for the Constitution!!! I've been on Twitter a lot this evening, and it was SO encouraging to see fellow patriots who believe the same way as I do, sending out words of extreme encouragement. There are some politicians that are standing with him who are Tea Party favorites like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, but not many, which is the sad part of the story. It's men like Cruz and Rubio who have Cuban heritage and know how communism wreaks havoc on a country, that support this wonderful display of freedom of speech and love of the law this country was built upon. It is these kind of people we need to hang our hat on.
And fire ALL of the rest...