Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life as we know it...

Lots of 'fun' news today...
-- Like the Prez's "beast" limo broke down in Israel because the driver put gas in a diesel limo? Wow. In my world, that would get you fired, or at least written up. Who knows for the government, but how embarressing...
-- DHS refuses to answer Congress about its purchase of 1.6 BILLION bullets - ummmm, aren't they supposed to be working for US????
-- African-American abortionist who "snapped newborn babies necks" is crying racist since he's under investigation for murder
-- Beyonce has a new single with the refrain that says "Bow Down Bitches" - uhhhhh, all I can say is that she's chosen "the dark side..."
-- Nasa's advice on asteroid hitting earth: Pray! - Wow... and here we thought our country had so many advanced defense systems... Reminds me of the comet a few weeks ago that we found out about from 2 guys at home and their telescope!! Nasa has become a joke... I have a friend who's son graduated a few years ago from Purdue in rocket science (yes, for real) and he works for Spacex, and confirmed Nasa is a joke...
-- The Northeast is being inundated with snow, but we're supposed to believe in global warming...
-- Just like Benghazi, Obama doesn't seem to care a bit that we lost 8 Marines this week as he tweets a picture of his snack time...
-- Although the new pope said that Catholic politicians that are "pro-Choice (abortion)" could not receive communion, evidently Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi flew to the Vatican and did just that. My question is, were they trying to get turned away to start a big snit on the subject?? Was it just to test the new pope and see if he would back up what he said? Well, I guess they found out...

And lastly, I would like to say a few words about what Rush calls the "low information voter" because I work in a town full of them. They haven't been raised right. They have no manners. They are selfish. They think politics are boring and that it doesn't affect them. They don't vote except possibly for president, so as to appear that they are informed. They have low end jobs and are interested in Hollywood for escape to "see how the other half lives." They love to watch reality shows because it makes them feel better about themselves, (and they secretly want to be on a reality show and become a reality star.) They have been raised by the public school system and have no desire to cure cancer or be a leader in any way - they all want to be pop stars with instant fame and money, yet not work for it. They are lazy and stupid, yet often nice. They have been deceived by the mainstream media because they won't take the time or effort to seek the truth. They love to "party" and don't have strong morals. They have bought what the media has sold them to be tolerant, so think same-sex marriage is just fine and that drugs are fine but not to an excess. Most have been to jail, and the ones that have not, have family members there. They have a disdain for police and don't ever trust them. They are jealous of those with money, and are just fine about them paying all the taxes. They feel entitled to government handouts and are not embarressed to accept them. All of their friends do too. They have no real hope for the future, so they try not to think about it. The minorities are getting more freebies than the whites, so the whites are upset about that. To sum up their slogan, it would be "YOLO - you only live once."
Those of us trying to bring the country back from the edge of destruction are swimming upstream...