Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

I realize this is old news now, but saw this and had to bust out laughing. I have watched each time "The Bible" has been shown on the History channel the last several weeks, and this past Sunday when the satan scene came on, I knew he looked like someone, but I just couldn't place it. Once I saw the side by side, it was uncanny. Some have asked if this was done on purpose, but I highly doubt that "Touched by an Angel's" Roma Downey and husband Mark Burnett would be so blatant. I'm thinking it was subconcious. My (now liberal) son thought it was racist to cast a black person as satan, but I told him conservatives don't see color. We judge people by their hearts and not by their skin color. 
Speaking of spiritual things, even the "heathens" can sense that something is up with the planet. Earthquakes, comets, strange happenings like all of the dolphins heading away from California.... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that things are happening in the heavenlies. Personally I'm encouraged by the popularity of "The Bible" series and the evangelical Christian bachelor, that show our country still has a lot of Godly people that want to bring America back from the brink of destruction. I'm encouraged by the political conservatives like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who have the courage to stand up to the ruling class, and represent us, the working class. And it's just a feeling, but it seems the tide is starting to turn and Americans are starting to wake up to reality.
I just hope it's not too late...