Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit..."

Just read that Hollywood's Jason Biggs, who insulted Mitt Romney's wife and Paul Ryan's wife in the election, is at it again. This time Biggs is insulting the current "Bachelor," who is a self-professed evangelical Christian and virgin since college. Last night was the season finale where Bachelor Sean Lowe from Dallas got down on one knee and asked Catherine Giudici to marry him (previously filmed in November.) After the show, the producer Chris Harrison had a live show to have Sean and Catherine on to talk about their wedding plans. They also got to view November's proposal for the first time, where Sean cried seeing it, and Biggs tweeted: "Sean is crying, as a result of his being a total f*cking gay person."
Hmmmmmm. My main point is that Hollywood and the mainstream media, and actually all liberals, have an all out war against men who wait until marriage to have sex. Men like Tim Tebow, also a born-again Christian, who have decided to follow WHAT IT SAYS TO DO IN THE BIBLE and wait until they are married to have sex, are the target of the libs to ruin their lives. Waiting to have sex is so foreign to all non-born-again Christians, that they cannot even fathom it. And rather than keeping their mouths shut, and not judging people who don't make the same choice,  and be tolerant as all liberals claim to be, they attack relentlessly. My heart goes out to these brave men, who are willing to admit their faith, and their beliefs and put it out there. Tebow will surely lose even playing the game of football anymore because his beliefs have caused the mean media to chastise him to the point that all of the other players get jealous of the media attention and denigrate him for not being a "man" because he doesn't womanize like many of them. And, I'm sure it convicts the players who actually have a conscience and know what God's word says.
My secondary point is that Jason Biggs, as a Hollywood insider, is supposed to be gay-friendly but his choice of words say otherwise.
You can't have it both ways, Mr. Biggs...