Thursday, December 6, 2012

"The Ghost of Christmas Future..."

Well, you've heard the expression, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."
I'm having trouble posting... Because I'm in a funk. A huge funk. I just can't find any positivity anywhere. And I'm trying. When you go to the websites like Drudge and you look at the headlines? Well, it's like it's a sick joke -- but it's not. It reminds me of Bill Murray's movie in 1988 called "Scrooged." When we watched that movie 24 years ago, we thought, Wow, it CAN'T  get that bad...  Well, hello 2012 -- it's even worse than that. We fast-forwarded in warp speed to a sad reality where God has been removed, and what's left is complete 'Look out for number 1' selfishness... The liberals are quickly destroying our society, and it's become dog-eat-dog mentality. You only have to remember Black Friday to see how life in America has deteriorated into survival of the fittest.
The story this week about the man in NYC who was pushed onto the tracks of an oncoming commuter train and NO ONE helped him?!? NO ONE??? Well I can tell you that would NEVER have happened in the area I live in. People would have stampeded to help that man. Now in Austin?? Maybe not. There are so many non-Texans now it doesn't even feel like Texas. And it has become dog-eat-dog there too. Last summer I went in downtown Austin's Whole Foods and there were more New York accents than Texan. And they were all completely rude. I sat in a chair in the food area, and this younger woman ripped me and embarressed me, yelling that I got her chair. I got up and said I didn't know anyone was sitting there, but she kept on yelling. That just doesn't happen in Texas. Or at least it didn't used to... it's only in the big cities though. Thankfully.
I'm trying to get excited about Christmas this year but my ex and my son have both been unemployed quite a while. My son, who graduated from college with honors, just got a seasonal 3 week job today in Austin for $8.50 an hour part-time...And he has to buy special shoes, so that will take his entire first week's check. We're all hurting for money, so we're all in a silent depression about it all.
It will come together. Somehow it always does but I can't help feel that something has changed.
Maybe the world really IS ending December 21st....