Monday, December 31, 2012

Truth is stranger than fiction

BREAKING NEWS!! You'd think the Titanic sunk again or the London Bridge is falling down, but nooooooooo... Kim Kardashian is pregnant!! My GOD, have we sunk this low?!?! They were actually doing breaking news both on the internet and on TV about this. It's SOOO embarressing!! This woman, this woman who isn't good at anything except marketing herself, is so high-profile that we have breaking news?? Or is it interesting to Americans because we're sick of hearing about the imaginary "Fiscal Cliff" because they've been crying "Wolf" for over FOUR YEARS NOW!! When is sanity going to return to the US? I keep thinking that at some point, everyone will wake up and it will go back to how it always was in our great country. It's like a bad dream since 2008.
I mean more like a nightmare...