Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"It's a Wonderful Life..."

Well, down here in Texas,  we got a cold front and finally it feels Christmas-y. It had been unseasonably warm in the 80's lately, so I just wasn't feeling it. That and I'm giving all I've got to try to be in the Christmas spirit. I've decorated the house, put up lights outside, bought a poinsettia, am listening to some Christmas music, and still watching all of the sappy Hallmark movies that I so love. It's just that Alex's baby B is sick for the third week in a row, DD is still sulking about losing her boyfriend, money is tighter than ever, the men in my family are all still looking for jobs except my son-in-law, and my boss is using me as her whipping boy at work.
I actually was going to walk today. Just walk off the job. She is the most evil person I have ever encountered, along with the most selfish and rudest. She humiliated me over absolutely nothing and it was abusive to say the least. My coworkers all felt sorry for me and were kind. The guy who heard all of it said that he would testify to a hostile work environment if I left and applied for unemployment. It was tempting... But I'm a single mom and need the health benefits. So, until I can find something, which doesn't look at all possible in this economy or especially during the holidays, I'm stuck in this torture chamber. She's letting everyone else off on Christmas eve at noon, and even though I still have 5 holidays left this year and am taking one of them for my son's wedding next week, she now says I have to work that entire day. There won't even be anyone to make a sales call to. In a small town? On Christmas eve? Wow. She's Mr. Potter on "It's a Wonderful Life," (which happens to be my all-time favorite movie.)
Was thinking tonight that my town is like Bedford Falls. It's wonderful. Not perfect as nothing is, but as close as it gets on this planet. There are so many wonderful people in my town. Kind, caring, Christian, family-oriented people. I'm totally blessed to live here. The problem is there aren't many jobs. So I have to commute to the town I work in, which has some nice people but nothing on the scale of my town.
I saw the Drudge headline about what was happening in Detroit today with all those thug union guys out of control, and intimidating everyone over the Right to Work legislation. Ugh. I never ever want to even VISIT Detroit, much less Michigan. The Midwest used to be filled with wonderful salt of the earth people when I was growing up, but that's quickly changing. Maybe the United States isn't so united any more, and we should divide into quadrants with like-minded people.
It occurred to me tonight as I drove down Main Street with all of the beautiful lights, that the majority of people in my town are like George Bailey. But Detroit has too many Mr. Potter's.
And they have become Pottersville...