Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Did you ever have to finally decide..."

Parenting is the hardest thing you'll ever do. (And the most gratifying but that's not what this particular blog is about.) The way I see it is that we try to do what our parents didn't do. And we put high priority on that. And then we miss some of the things they DID do.
And then we try to "do it all.." Hold down a full time job. Hold down a household. Keep our friends. Blah Blah Blah. And for me, as a single mother who is also much older, it's double hard. My parents did not interfere AT ALL with my life growing up, and let me make all my own mistakes. And I certainly did. They didn't help me with anything. They didn't give any advice. I asked them for advice, and they always said, "Do what you want." I would even beg my dad for what he would do in a decision, but he said he didn't want to be blamed if I was unhappy with the outcome. Once when I couldn't make a decision, he told me just to choose one and if I chose wrong, I could go back and fix it.
So fast forward to my last child that is 15 years old. I'm an older single mother who has lived all of these years with all of this history and experience. And I'm trying to save her from making terrible mistakes. She does ask my advice. And often I give it without being asked. For instance, on Sunday night I was trying to save her from future heartache. I saw her boyfriend's new girl posting FB photos of them. I mentioned it, thinking that everyone would be talking about it at school yesterday (which they did, since they haven't even been broken up for 2 weeks) and it tore the scab off of the wound. I recommended taking the high road but she sent a scathing message to him of which she now regrets. And of course blames me. And all I was trying to do was save her from seeing or hearing about it at school and starting to sob.
My ex says to get off of Facebook but it won't make it go away. I said that even if she deletes her account, all of her friends still have theirs and will screen shot the photo or discuss whatever it is that was on there. This past weekend, a boy at her high school was throwing water balloons at cars and some tough guys got out and chased him, and he broke his leg. Photos were all over Facebook and Instagram. It was the talk of school yesterday. It sets the template is my point. You can act or react.
It's your choice. For me, I'm a pro-active kind of person. But DD says she wants to make her own mistakes. I said okay. No more advice. You're on your own.
Buena suerte...