Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hooray for Hollywood"

Last night we saw Les Miserables, and although it was too long, it was a great throwback to how the great movies of yesteryear were made. Huge sets. Big stars.  Great casting. Believable costumes and makeup. Excellent songs (actually sung on set, which is unusual.)
I miss all the huge movies that used to be made instead of all of these stupid computer-generated (CG) movies that they produce now. I miss television shows with actual writing and writers, and not these embarressing reality shows that are so prevalent now. I just got a  reader's comment today from one of my posts from last February from "anonymous" (they always are - hey, just give me your first name, so I can address you in a response) where they said that the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" was a satire, and was just mocking this kind of lifestyle. Noooooo, I beg to differ. These are, unfortunately, REAL people who are trying to become rich and famous and the next Kim Kardashian by showing us their shallow, sad lives.
Les Mis was refreshing since it showed, finally, that the producer actually made the effort to make a quality blockbuster. For that, I say to them - Thank you.
Please go see it, so it will encourage others in Hollywood to do the same...