Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle...

As you probably know if you're a regular reader of my blog, I live in a small town in Texas. This town is conservative, relatively speaking, and votes Republican for the most part. My 15 year-old goes to public school in our one high school town. She earns high honor grades and is a leader at her school. So it was with, well sadness, that I hear her say yesterday that she doesn't know the difference between what Obama stands for or what Romney stands for... Ugh. I'm failing if she doesn't know this. I guess we're too busy with the every day responsibilities in my single parent household. But politics interests me greatly, because  it affects me greatly, and I think of myself as very informed.
When DD said the above statement, we were driving to one of our many activities, so I tried to give her the quick synopsis - I said that Romney is for independent freedoms and Obama is a socialist. She stared at me blankly and said she hasn't had the government class that teaches on those subjects. And then I remembered. As a Baby Boomer, I was taught that communism and socialism were bad things; they are not being taught that. As a matter of fact, the text books make the communists out to be heroes and great leaders, even here in Texas. And she informed me that text books and public schools no longer use the B.C. or A.D.  for  "Before Christ" and "After Died." Now they say B.C.E. and I don't know WHAT that stands for. But I'm sure it removes the word "Christ" - that's a given.
I went on to say that Obama (and the liberals) are for same-sex marriage and abortion. Again, met with blank stares. Those things are already here and really aren't issues for her age group. They assume anyone can get an abortion any time and gays are in many TV shows, not to mention "out of the closet" at her school and most others. They are not scorned at her school (nor should they be.) On the contrary, they are pretty popular with their over-the-top clothes, feminine movements and flambuoyant lifestyle.
As we drove up to our destination, I threw out that the Democrats want to redistribute money so no one will want to work hard if it's all taken away from them. DD got out of the car staring at me blankly saying, "I guess we can talk about this later."