Monday, October 8, 2012

"Give me liberty or give me death." - Patrick Henry

Actress Stacey Dash (I remember her in the movie "Clueless") tweeted that she's supporting Romney for President, and all hell broke loose.
I guess it comes as no surprise that Hollywood is dissing her, blacks are rejecting her as "not black enough" (and much worse) and the crazys are telling her to kill herself... Aren't we always told that it's the Democrats that are the "tolerant" party????
The last time I checked, we still live in a free country where we are free to do what we want until it infringes on someone else's rights.
The last time I checked, we still have freedom of speech and are free to say who we support.
The last time I checked, we are still free to vote in our democracy for the candidate we prefer.
And we had all better support Stacey Dash and her freedom to state her choice so that these freedoms can continue for our ancestors (and us, for that matter.)
Because the liberals/Democrats/Progressives are for freedom of speech (and choice) only if we think and act like them.
Otherwise, like the jihadists, they want us to die...