Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And the world turns...

Well, computer has been in the shop being "upgraded." It's these electronic company's way of continuing getting money from us... Kind of like having to get a new iPhone every year, or at least every other year. It's also like the contact lense business. I've had the same hard contacts for 15 years, but my 15 year old wears "soft" contacts and thus I have to pay $70 every month and expensive solution for her to do this. Ugh. I could go on but I digress.
The first presidential debate is tonight and most in the state-run media have already called it for Obama. Wow. What a surprise... And Jim Lehrer will be the moderator, and he's just like the rest of the state-run media - a stuffy, Ivy League sounding, academic-loving liberal. So... let me guess. The conservatives will say that Mitt wins and the libs will say that Obama wins.
I think many will tune in to this first one just to watch their candidate, and independents will watch and still be undecided because they can't make a decision if their freakin' life depends on it. I mean if you don't know now after a full year of campaigning, then you never will. These stupid people who wait to see which way the wind is blowing the day they vote, are scary and shouldn't even be allowed to vote. But mostly "moderates" just wait to see what is the "popular" thing to do, and vote like the media tell them to. Thus the problem...
May I also add that I usually love to watch the fashion at award shows and my oldest daughter and I critique them like Joan Rivers and daughter Melissa, but this year I couldn't even bring myself to even watch the Emmy's, much less the prior red carpet. I look at most of these fake stars in the dresses that designers have provided at no charge just to get the attention, while they go up and bash Sarah Palin or Romney or Ryan, and I thought, No. Not this year. You bunch of punks. You lead these fabulous celebrity lives, all the while trying to influence people with your liberal rants.
No thanks. My country is going down the toilet and you're contributing.
Suck it Hollywood...