Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Tolerance that will lead to our cultural suicide." - Allen West

Wow... truer words were never spoken about the future of the United States if we continue on our current path. Allen West tells Fox and Friends that stealth jihad is being waged on America and if we continue our political correctness, then we have no one to blame but ourselves for our collapsing society. The world is different than it was 40 - 50 years ago. Americans used to be able to travel to the Middle East without fear that we would be threatened for our beliefs. What has changed? In a word - them. Muslims didn't want to be proselytized but they did'nt follow the new jihad of 'kill the infidel.' And yes, I know, not all of them kill the infidel, but their silence is deafening on rebuking the ones that do. Maybe it's out of fear of getting hurt themselves, or maybe they are in total agreement, but either way, when they say or do nothing, it speaks volumes.
We have got to stand up now or it will be too late. There is a story today in alternative media that in Michigan, Muslims stoned Christians (and the police did NOTHING.) Where is the outrage? Why aren't people jumping all over this? Have we become so calloused that it means nothing to us? If it doesn't happen in our area, do we just let it go?? They are the ones moving to the United States knowing that we are a Judeo-Christian nation that follow laws based on the Ten Commandments instead of Sharia law based on the Koran. We've got to stop it now. We've got to unite. Can anybody hear me?
Does anybody care??