Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Americans chose a limited government that exists to protect our rights, not to grant them." - Marco Rubio

I don't know why I can't get motivated to post lately... I guess there is so much politics in an election year that it just gets redundant. But I quickly want to go on record to say that my hope is that Mitt Romney will choose Marco Rubio as his running mate. I personally think that it would be a shot in the arm for Romney on the same level when McCain chose Palin. He's young. He's passionate. He's smart. He's articulate. He's Latin (Cuban descent.) And it doesn't hurt that he's good-looking.
I really don't know who else is on the short list, but I guarantee you that there isn't anyone else out there who comes across as perfect as Rubio. He's too young to be president, but this would certainly get his feet wet for the future. And I agree with him on his stance on illegals. When you live in states like Florida and Texas, and these folks are woven in our lives, you simply CANNOT talk about deporting all of them. How stupid is that?! They have families and jobs and years of history here. As I've said in the past, the most humane thing to do is seal the border, and do nothing else. They're already here. But I also don't want to grant them amnesty and start giving them all social security, because that will collapse the system in a very short amount of time. But I digress. My pick for Vice President is Rubio.

There is no one else...