Friday, June 22, 2012

Freaky Friday

What's wrong with this picture?!
If you guessed Jesus is green, you win the prize. It seems at this week's United Nations Earth Summit, even the image of Christ "has been made a forcible convert to the econ-faith, as the city of Rio is bathing the iconic statue of Christ the Redeemer in green light." (National Review Online)
Other notables to mention are:
At the recent Rio+20 side summit in Brazil, Jerusalem's deputy mayor for planning and environment lead a discussion about holy sites around the world can be used to indoctrinate pilgrims.
The National Religious Partnership for the Environment has been working for years in the U.S. to make green tenets (article of faith) a staple of religious life in America.
A bizarre eco-version of the Ark of the Covenant is making its way around the globe.
And a "Green Bible" is now available at your local Christian bookstore.
I guess "Green guru" James Lovelock was right.

Last week he warned that "the green religion is now taking over the Christian religion..."