Monday, June 18, 2012

Like many of you, I am getting calloused to what's going on with this "regime" in the United States... Our president, who is SUPPOSED to work for us, instead has become a dictator/ king, circumventing laws, Congress, the rule of law, the constitution, and doing things like he did this week -  decreeing illegal immigration legal. And the only way I can find out the truth, the real news, is to follow alternative media and twitter. So, we can deduce that we have become more communistic since that is the case... As a matter of fact, I find out 75% of national and world news from Twitter, and the rest from alternative websites in this country or media in other countries. That's why it's absolutely correct in what Sarah Palin said to the Right Online (conservative social media/bloggers) when she declared that it starts with us.
Yes, we are the ground roots. We are Tea Party, which simply means we are conservatives, and believe (and vote) on principle, not party. We know right from wrong and desire the country to return to what our founding fathers established. Our general was/is Andrew Breitbart, and although he's gone now, there are thousands of us who are inspired by his courage, and wish to continue the battle against evil and lies. And liberals? They are so hell-bent on their one issue belief that they are willing to destroy this country to justify their sinful lifestyles. The battle lines have been drawn, it's just that most weren't paying attention. Sarah Palin is still the first lady of our kind. And every time they kill one of our leaders, it only makes us stronger. God is on our side, the right side, the side of truth and doing the right thing. I've read the end of the book.
We win...