Saturday, June 2, 2012

Good Morning Baltimore

I've decided I'm going to have to start posting in the mornings. I'm spent at night lately and my brain is mush.

Have you noticed that nothing good ever happens in Baltimore, Maryland? Start watching. Almost every terrible story has it's location there. The terrible McDonald's attack on the transgender woman by almost everyone in the store, and no one rendered help. And the latest cannibal story about the guy there who killed his roomate and ate his heart and brains?? There are many more, I assure you.
Here's my theory. The Bible says in the last days that evil would be poured out onto the earth (more than before), and THAT seems to be happening. As a Baby Boomer, I've never heard of such wickedness in the United States during my lifetime. We would hear of it in other countries, but there seemed to be a protective hand over our country. No more... America has turned it's back on God, and He is turning His back on us. He is lifting His hand of protection over the country (but not over His children.) I think 9-11 was the warning shot of the beginning of that.
I pray that my country will repent and return to our Godly roots...