Monday, June 11, 2012

"Til Death us do Part..."

Last week Miley Cyrus (of Disney's Hannah Montana fame) announced that she's engaged to her boyfriend of three years, Aussie Liam Hemsworth. She's getting a lot of negative press saying she's too young, but I actually disagree. Personally I think this might be the best idea for both of them.

These days kids graduate from high school, go to college to become drunks, and then spend their twenties trying to act like they're on the "Friends" television show, staying in mass herds of group dating (and sex) while they stay irresponsible until they reach about 30 years old. At this point they decide to finally have children whether they are married or not.
Yes, Miley is 19 years old, but she had to grow up fast on Disney with all of her concert traveling, and she's a very old 19. And not going to college has kept her out of "academia," which in my opinion, is a good thing. I have this theory that isn't always right, but certainly is a lot of the time. I think that God brings around our soulmate around Miley's age, and wants us to grow together with that person. Are there exceptions to this? Of course, but fortunate are those that get to marry someone young and spend their lives with their soulmate. My happiest (and still married) friends are those that married their high school sweetheart.
So Miley, cherish this person. Be good to him. Always act like you're dating. You've got a real shot at happiness.
Don't blow it...