Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Brave New World..."

Just read in the attached article that video games have now replaced dolls as the top toy for girls these days. I could have told them that... The last few Christmases, there was really no point in getting my youngest child anything unless it was electronic. When her friends come over, all they do is get on the computer or their smart phones. That's it. Nothing else. It's a new world, get used to it. It's never going back. Well, I guess I say never say never, but unless we lose all power forever, electronics are here to stay.
It's just all too much too fast. I mean for hundreds, or even thousands of years, girls have played with some kind of doll. It helps act out girl things. And although dolls are still the third favorite toy, they've been waning for years. Poor Barbie. She has it all but just cannot compete with video games.
I need to wrap my head around this...