Friday, January 13, 2012

Freaky Fridays

Hmmmm... this is Freaky.... It seems a coven of witches has banded together to cast a spell, hoping to shut down Tim Tebow's string of miracle wins for the Denver Broncos. Two witches from Massachusetts (where ELSE would they be from??) held a seance at noon today (Friday the 13th of course) at Haven Crow Corner in Salem, Massachusetts. Their goal is to make sure the New England Patriots beat Tebow and his Broncos (and of course, God.) These two witches go on to say that they would set up an altar with a puppet of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady which a local sorceress had hand sewed, and it would sit next to 'mojo' bags filled with herbs and stones for all Patriot players.

Seems this game means more than just a Playoff win for those on both sides...