Monday, January 23, 2012

"And as we remember this historic anniversary..."

(39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade) we must also continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams." -- President Barack Obama

The prez said this quote yesterday on "Sanctity of Life Sunday," when we Pro-Lifer's take time to remember the millions of children murdered by their own mothers after this court case. And what exactly does the prez MEAN when he says these words? Well, what all pro-murder people believe, that a baby is an inconvenience instead of a blessing like the Bible says. The prez was quoted last year as saying, "punished with a baby." Say WHAT?!? The Bible says, "Children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a REWARD." Leave it to the liberals to completely turn having a baby around to a punishment. And why can't they give their baby up for adoption instead of 'terminating' it? Oh, that would be inconvenient to carry their OWN FLESH AND BLOOD for nine months too. So what ARE the "rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons"? That they can have as much sex as they want and not be bothered with a baby??? Honestly I can't even think like these people so I am not even sure if that's what he means. But what else CAN it mean?? I am thoroughly disgusted with this quote and the beliefs behind it. And I am ashamed that the leader of this country would hold this thought.
Heaven help us...