Monday, May 16, 2011

"They are dropping like flies..."

So in the last few days, we hear that neither Huckabee or Trump will run for president on the Republican ticket. And I'm thinking, why should they? Huckabee's doing pretty well with his show on the Fox Network and Trump is a businessman, entreprenuer with a hit TV show. Why would ANYONE want to go through the grueling process of running for president? All the debates. All the traveling. All the stress. And then you add the fact that the mainstream media is going to crucify you and dig up every previous bitter girlfriend and give you the biggest anal exam of your life... And then there's the money... All that raising of funds. It's endless. I'm sure Trump looked at it as a businessman, and saw all the money he would lose. Even if he won, the president of the United States only makes like, $200,000 per year? And then there are his children who probably begged him not to run, and have the family dragged through the mud. Not to mention, part of their inheritance would be flying out the window. Trump probably thought back on the press dinner at the White House last week, and knew the media would continue to roast him like a pig for the next year and a half.

So now what? Well, it's back to the politicians. ugh... The conservatives need a strong leader, someone with charisma, but they MUST have the heart of Ronald Reagan. They have to truly believe in morality and decency and getting this country back to sanity. Why does it seem almost impossible? I can remember flipping through channels on the remote several summers before, and landed on the Democratic convention when everyone first heard Barack Obama. I told my friends, he's so charismatic, they will put him up for president even though he had no experience. They knew how strongly people reacted to this man. Granted, he's now had over 2 years to show us what he's got, and it's not good. At all. Under his leadership and those of his cronies, we see the naked truth, and it's very, very ugly.
I don't know who will emerge now to run on the ticket. The media has already crucified Sarah Palin, and made such a mockery of her, that the all important moderates of this country would never vote for her. As a matter of fact, for each presidential election, I just ask my older sister who she is voting for, because that's who wins. She's one of those swing voters. She voted for Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama.
Go figure...