Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Thou shalt not covet..." - the 10th commandment

I'm officially tired of Facebook. It's becoming what's wrong with this world. Just a bunch of hype. It's just the spin on everyone's life. But it ends up depressing me... My children and I compare ourselves to those who have it the best, and in comparison, our lives seem sad and boring. And then the coveting starts... I know, after living all these years, that these people have problems too, but Facebook is like television - it just puts the best foot forward, so we're always depressed that our lives don't look the same. I'm tired of seeing everyone's fabulous vacation photos. I'm tired of seeing friend cliques brag about their fun parties and get-togethers. But I draw the line when my daughter's so called friends only go places so they can take photos and post them for everyone to be jealous about.
