Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Hell to pay...

Next week is Holy Week, and if you're a practicing Christian, then this is the holiest week of the year as we celebrate God sending His only son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins and save us from eternal death.

Then you have people like Stephani Germanotta, a.k.a. Lady Gaga, who gets blasphemous (to me) and plays Mary Magdalene in her new video to 'Judas.' In the video, she witnesses a crime, falls in love with a black Jesus figure and ends up saving the person wrongly accused of the crime. Phoenix civil rights groups Chicanos Unidos Arizona, Take Back Aztlan and Nuestros Reconquistos are condemning her for exploiting the Catholic religion again. But then again she went to the same Catholic school that Paris Hilton did, so she must have an ax to grind like Madonna Ciccone did.
Some day she, like all of us, will meet our Maker face to face and account for every thought and action we've had. Will she point her finger at Him and say, "I don't believe in you!"
Stephani needs to remember that God says in His word that some day, "EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..."