Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The new norm...

Never have I missed a week of blogs since I started, but things are just weird lately. My finances are at a critical state, and I'm interviewing for a new job. Currently I'm on 100% commission, and the position I'm interviewing is as well. The upside to new position - great owner, values me, appreciates my experience, understands my single mom situation. Downside? I would be a "contract" laborer (and not actual employee) which I have never done. I would have to pull out my own taxes and get my own healthcare benefits... which stinks.
I'm truly sitting on the fence trying to decide about this. Meanwhile DD was in Florida (Disneyworld) for a week with her dance team, so I was happy for her. My older daughter Alex has announced that she is pregnant with her second child, so lots of celebrating that. My son is underemployed at an entry-level job he hates, and my ex has been unemployed for over a year, and is desperate to find a job.
There are days when I say I am NOT going to listen to the negative news but then I always do. And it takes all of my discipline to not "like" that stuff on Facebook, because everyone just wants "sunshine and lollipops." I leave my conservative bent for Twitter, and that seems to work well for me. It's funny because I have a "public" Instagram since I am very visually oriented, and watch people from all over the world. I follow lots of NYC photographers, who are all posting snow pix today but people all over. I did have this one girl (I guess) who called herself an American name and "liked" every single one of my photos, but then someone called her out, and said the picture was really a Turkish movie star. That turned out to be true so I blocked her. I'm not sure why someone would do that, but it's kind of creepy. Instagram is like Facebook in that I have "followers" locally that have added me, but we don't really know each other. And I'll see them places, and we acknowledge each other, because we follow each other's photos, but have nothing to say to each other, because we really haven't been introduced. It's weird, but I guess the new norm in this world. DD has over a thousand followers, so doesn't even watch her feed. She just posts occasionally and doesn't look at anyone else. That's good though, because she won't get jealous or get caught up in the drama. Evidently at her high school, none of the parents are on Twitter, so that is where all of the drama and nastyness comes in. I will say that even on Instagram, the kids don't care what some of the parents are seeing. Some of the high school kids that have followed me, I have followed back. Some were posting pictures this past weekend and videos of a "rave" which really was just a big drug party with strobe lights... AND ALL girls that were there were only in bras and panties, and they were extremely hooker looking. And those girls were even posting THOSE pictures :/  As I always say, "Where are the parents??" and even DD agreed. She doesn't hang out with those kids but one time about 6 months ago, one of those guys asked her to go to a movie, and I emphatically said no. He ended up having a wreck that night, and had a fractured knee.
My older kids say I'm a "helicopter" mom with DD but parenting is different these days from 15 years ago when they were in high school.
As I say, it's been weird lately......