Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"All it takes is money..."

Gone are the days when I could just pick a fun subject and post away. No, these days it's like this... you know, like when you're starving, you don't think about anything else except food? Well, this country is in such a heightened state of impending doom, that everything else pales. This administration is conducting a coup - a slow, yet fast coup, and NO ONE is stopping them. I'm guessing this regime sees the Tea Party as the only thing standing in their way of completely taking over as a dictatorship, thus has the IRS targeting Tea Party conservatives. Oh, and conservative Hollywood. Evidently they are pursuing them as well.
Now we hear that Dinesh D'Souza, the man who made "2016, Obama's America," a negative documentary on Obama, was indicted last week on charges he allegedly violated campaign finance law. He was released on a HALF A MILLION DOLLAR BOND and told his travel is restricted to the United States. Hello communism... What are we, China???  Reacting to this news, Gerald Mohlen, the creator of "Schindler's List" and also co-producer of D'Souza's documentary, said that he thinks D'Souza was targeted by the Obama administration because of the documentary, and said, "I never feared my government until now." Uh, duh... Everyone is afraid, so what this regime is doing is working. Fear is always the tactic of evil, which is also the same exact tactic that the terrorists use. But this administration has the media in their back pocket and now the IRS, who can do anything at any time. Oh, and let's not forget law enforcement doesn't need a warrant any more - all they have to do is "suspect" any wrong doing and that is subjective, of course. And we found out from Edward Snowden that the NSA is spying on common Americans in the most obtrusive ways, with no rhyme or reason, like through our iPhones and texts. And Obamacare will open up our bank accounts and health records to the government. Yippee...
I didn't even watch the Grammy awards since it has become pure debauchery, and evidently they did not disappoint... Beyonce, who has gone from pretty African-American Barbie singing "Put a ring on it" to a nasty, slutty performer doing S&M in a black thong, started the show with a simulated sex number with her rapper husband, Jay Z. Later, as Madonna sang a song with a gold grill on her teeth, 33 gay couples were married on stage at the AWARD SHOWS, in a complete surprise to the audience, making a complete mockery of marriage. On Facebook, the only feedback I saw was completely negative, and that included some national sites as well, so I guess that's encouraging.
But I go back to this... conservatives are not united. Yes, we all agree we don't like this president or his administration, but then it starts to split over the rest of the issues. And we don't have a George Soros who is a billionaire, willing to back our causes. It does go back to money, and uniting on causes. It's why the Tea Party has a bulls eye on it's back...