Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Everything old is new again...

Happy New Year - I'm spending mine like many of you - watching football and trying to enjoy my time off of work. I did enjoy watching Johnny Manziel last night with his sheer determination to win. Now THAT'S why Americans love to watch football!! That "can-do" spirit of not giving up!!
When I check my Facebook and Twitter, I am reminded that today is just a nice holiday break from the realities that are going on. Football and resolutions are a nice way to distract from some of the ugly truths out there.
Some of the wisest words I've read today are from a ministry that said:
1. Believing the same thing you did last year and expecting a different behavior is a bad plan.
2. Making resolutions to change your behavior without changing what you believe about yourself and God, is futile.
3. Your behavior is a manifestation of what you believe about who you are, and who you think God is to you.
4. Change what you believe = change how you think.
Change how you think = change the way you behave.
Change the way you behave = change your life.
Change your life = change the world around you.
5. Jesus is always with you and He is there when you are ready to change what you believe.

This is some heavy truth that only older people would probably understand. And it is true that what you believe manifests in your life. If you believe "once saved, always saved," then you are not going to be as obedient as someone who believes they could lose their salvation. You get my point.
And resolutions? Why make them if you are only doing what you THINK you should be doing? You have to believe it's the right thing for you. And, of course, you have to WANT to do the right thing. Many don't care.
There are lots of things I want to do this year and most, if not all, are impossible unless God opens the door for them to happen. Consequently,
I will be praying a lot....