Friday, June 28, 2013

"Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward..." - Ps. 127:3

As I'm sitting here tonight, thinking about what I feel the most passionate about - which is what I try to post about, I'm remembering back to the summer after ninth grade. As a straight A student, I never had to take summer school, nor did I want to, but for some strange reason there was a short course some of us took in the summer for extra credit. I can't even remember what the name of the course was, or really much else about it, except that the male teacher (who must have been mid-thirties at the time) told our class that we were going to argue abortion (this was before it was legal in Texas, but was already legal in a few other states.)
He made it very clear that he was going to argue FOR abortion and told everyone with him to stay on his side of the classroom, and whoever wanted to argue AGAINST it, should go to the other side of the classroom. I was the only one who did so...
Were there others who believed as I did? Yes, I'm sure there were, but they were not ABOUT to be intimidated by the teacher (or chance getting a lower grade.) As you know, public school teachers and college professors still use this type of manipulation every day.
I remember that we debated the entire class period, which was probably an hour. And I did hold my own, so I recall the teacher did not like me nor my beliefs, but he DID respect my courage. And as you might imagine, it was me debating the teacher, because a bunch of 14 and 15 year old public school kids were ignorant and fearful. In eighth grade I started seeking God after a personal search of religions, since my family did not go to church nor was religious. It was a personal discovery, as it is for everyone. But I "knew in my knower" as they say, that it was a baby and not some blob of tissue, which is what they were calling it back then.
Fast forward to public college, the University of Texas, which was wild then as it is today. I was one of two girls in my sorority house that woke up in my bed on weekend mornings because I didn't sleep around. One girl, let's call her Melanie, was dating this good-looking, rich guy from Austin, and she got pregnant THREE times, each time getting an abortion (which was legal in Texas by this time.)  As a matter of fact, about half of the girls I met in college have had an abortion. One of my closer sorority sisters got pregnant about 7 years after college when she went to a sales convention in Florida, and had sex with one of the guys in her company's seminar. She didn't even know the guy - they got drunk and had sex on the beach. She got an abortion and has never had children since. Each year she looks at people who would have been born when her baby would have been, and wistfully sighs. I worked with a girl at a newspaper in San Antonio who moved with her husband from NYC. They had gotten pregnant before marriage, so aborted their baby since it wasn't convenient. She nearly had a breakdown over the guilt and the last I heard was in deep counseling and on tons of anti-depressants.
I could tell stories all night I suppose. But I say all of that to tell you, that places like Planned Parenthood don't do sonograms and show the moms what babies that size look like. They try to rush the girls/women through the mill, sort of like Obamacare. Pass it to see what's in it. Only this is, kill it and then deal with it. And deal with it they do... Not only are they killing someone, but they are killing their OWN child, they're OWN flesh and blood. One of my ex-husband's brothers (raised Catholic) married a Scottish nurse, and she used abortion as her birth control. She had EIGHT abortions. And they divorced and neither ever had a child afterwards. How do you live with THAT?? I have no idea. I just know that this really is all common sense, and anyone with a brain knows it's a baby.
There really should never have been an argument...

(19 week old aborted baby)