Friday, August 5, 2011

"The only difference between the USA and the Titanic? The Titanic had a band."

Is it just me or does it feel like the world is coming to an end??! And I mean like in 2 weeks... The whole world has gone crazy and it's like living on top of a house of cards. Ordinarily I'm the happiest of the week on a Friday night, but not tonight. After this whole 'debt debacle,' it's hard to get excited about the future. And of course tonight, for the first time in American history, our S&P credit rating was reduced. When I talk to anyone with a job, they're just thankful they have one. I heard on the radio today that 42% of Americans are not working. At all. How will we continue? It feels like the Titanic. We've hit the iceberg. We're taking water. Everyone knows something is really wrong, but thinks surely we won't sink. The Titanic is like the United States - too big to fail. Or are we? It's just a matter of time when things will go quickly and poof. Then we're all out in the cold ice water. Hoping we're part of the 2% that gets rescued. Meanwhile our president is partying like it's 1998. He's going to be on the first lifeboat out - the one that conveniently leaves without even filling it up. He'll make sure he and his family are okay. He has no clue what's going to happen. Nor does he seem to care. How could anyone with any decency at all go out and party like he has when so much damage to the USA has been done the past few weeks?! Everyone keeps saying he's really stupid or really evil, but either way he's not the one that should be captain of this ship. And if we're talking about stupid, then he could hire smart people to do his work for him. That leaves the other alternative - is he trying to sink this ship?

It appears so....