Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"When the world says 'Give up,' Hope whispers 'Try it one more time."

Thank God that Rick Perry has entered the race for president of the United States. I've been praying that God would give him wisdom and direction on this decision. With the state of our union, I am finally breathing a sigh of relief now that Perry is in the race. Yes, I'm a lifelong Texan and yes, he's governor of our state, but that is not the reason I'm encouraged. I don't vote for people because they're from my state, just like I don't vote for a black man just because he's black, or a woman because she's a woman. I don't think Lyndon Baines Johnson was a good president, and he grew up just a few miles from my house. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary Clinton just because she's a woman, or Obama because he's black. Just because Perry is a Texan, doesn't mean I would vote for him for that reason. No, it's because he's a very decent human being. He has lots of experience running this large state. He's proven himself strong and tough and decisive. His strong faith has been at the core of his decisions, such as calling for the prayer rally in early August. Is he perfect? Of course not, but then no one is. I believe he is the man for this season, a man that could be captain of this ship, and help turn this mess around, if it is even possible. It is still debatable though, especially because of the kind of selfish idiots that we have in Congress...

Maybe you're reading this and you don't know much about Rick Perry. Well, I challenge you to learn more and look at his track record. Texas is doing better than all other states presently, and our top largest 5 cities have the most job growth of all cities in this nation.
I just know I'm really relieved that finally, there is HOPE...