Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Let's make a deal..."

Our country is going to hell in a handbasket over deals - compromises with the devil. It is clear and always has been, what the right thing to do is - stay within our means. And our government has now gotten us into trillions of dollars of debt, of which the Chinese now own. Does this scare anyone else?! And now the Tea Party, God love them, has the guts to say enough is enough, but there just aren't enough of them. And the Democrats are threatening AS THEY HAVE BEFORE to not pay our military or social security checks, if we don't do what they say and raise the debt ceiling. If we don't raise it, then they will have to figure out a way to cut some things and God forbid that the Dems do THAT... Not to mention, start cutting the fat so we won't be speaking Chinese in the near future. We need all new men and women - ALL NEW - running this country.

As they say in China,
Schu u.